Ruminations on Reality
The Aether, Time, Consciousness, Intelligence, Matter and Energy

The seed for this paper came from two distinct but related ideas. The first is that plasma, which constitutes 99% of the universe, is most likely the stuff from which the physical universe is derived. The second idea is that — disregarding divine intervention — electromagnetism-in-motion is functionally indistinguishable from consciousness.
While putting these ideas to paper, new ideas, revelations and possible solutions to previously intractable problems or poorly defined concepts presented themselves seemingly of their own volition. I believe this behavior to be an indication of the quality of my ‘map’.
Mental Maps
All of us carry a mental map of the world in which we exist — an internal representation by which we decide how to navigate situations to our advantage or how to avoid or mitigate obstacles. If our map is imprecise then we may flounder through life being neither able to predict those obstacles, nor modify our actions accordingly.
The greater degree that our map resembles reality however, the more adept we will be at navigating life — but beyond that, the more visible and traverseable our route. Indeed, not only do the signposts to otherwise hidden and obscure byways present themselves, but sometimes they are lit with neon and are impossible to miss.
The other alternative, when this seeming serendipitous flow occurs and every potentiality seems a revelation, is that our map is so completely divorced from reality that we may as well be experiencing psychosis. The ease with which the solutions in this paper presented themselves is, I hope and believe, an indication of the accuracy of my map rather than a measure of my descent into madness.
By working backward from plasma, I hypothesize a structure for reality that simultaneously provides clear, cogent and simple explanations for time, consciousness, gravity, the void of space, matter, intelligence, and more.
That this structure is reminiscent of the Aether lends credence, in my mind at least, to those earlier hypotheses — and I would suggest that perhaps they might be dusted off and reexamined in light of the ideas proposed here.
I ask that, while engaging with the following ideas, the reader suspend disbelief and consider them free from the bias of previously held knowledge and understandings. Allow them to germinate and gestate for a week or two — it is possible they will send some interesting roots down into the subconscious that may change the reader’s outlook on some various subjects.
It is my hope that the concepts in this paper will spark further ideas and revelations in others.
~The Author, November 8, 2022
In The Beginning
In the beginning, there was nothing — or, more accurately — there was an undifferentiated everything. Existence was a boundless pool of pure potential.
I am assuming a beginning at nothingness, though I wonder if that is the only viable option.
But what did that look like? Let’s start with what we do know and work backwards from there.
Initial Assertions:
- Divine intervention is not necessary to explain the phenomenon of reality.
- All ‘particles’ are in fact dipole fields of charge more akin to bubbles abutting one another than billiard balls knocking into each other. Recognizing that the measurement of something so small looks to us like a discrete object (point) rather than a field, in this paper I will refer to these as “point-fields”.
- ‘States of Energy’ is the more appropriate categorization and will be used throughout this paper.
- Electricity and magnetism are simply different facets of the same fundamental thing. They are inseparable and cannot exist singly. Even if the measurable extent of one is zero, it is still there holding space or is temporarily expressed as a different facet of the Aether. They are the warp and weft of reality.
According to our best science, plasma makes up 99% of the known universe. It is reasonable therefore to assume that plasma more closely resembles the initial or underlying state of the universe than the alternative states of energy (gas, liquid, solid) and is the logical starting point when trying to reverse engineer, if you will, the underlying fabric of reality.
Plasma is defined as ‘charged particles containing about equal numbers of positive ions and electrons’. It is a dynamic state without structure and is always in flow. But in the beginning, let’s assume there was no flow — let’s call it the Zeroth state of energy, a proto-plasma in complete equilibrium, without flow — though not static — each dipole field fixed in charge and relative position, oscillating or spinning in synchronicity with one another. A murmuration of motion in harmony. Let’s call it the Matrix, the Source, the Universe. Let’s call it the Aether.
I use ‘Aether’ in homage to previous hypotheses about an underlying structure of reality — however I do not wish to imply the inheritance, necessarily, of those ideas without examination. To be clear, I am only shallowly familiar with those previous ideas and have never read any of them.
Any similarity between what I propose here and previous hypotheses is purely coincidental — but also very telling.
The Zeroth State
So in the beginning there was the Zeroth state of energy, the Aether — an infinite matrix of perfectly balanced dipole charges, tiny fields of positive and negative likely far smaller than the size of an electron — each field equidistant from and oscillating in synchronicity with its neighbors in an unending dance of electric charge and attendant magnetic fields. Each field an influence on its neighbor and each neighbor’s reaction a stabilizing response.
The Magnetic Structure of the Matrix
The possibilities of how this matrix moves, regulates itself and is sustained (and possibly generates excess electromagnetism to be released into the physical universe as plasma) is practically endless. However I will propose a state that to me seems most likely.
The magnetic facet of electromagnetism is responsible for maintaining the structure of the matrix. The movement of the point-fields in relation to each other — always within the limits of their resistance, without breaking bonds or collapsing into each other — generates electricity which feeds back into the system to maintain and keep it energized. Any excess energy might be bled off to the physical universe in the form of plasma, which in turn gives rise to the gaseous, liquid and solid states of energy.
In terms of magnetic force exerted upon each other I think it is unlikely that the point-fields hold a rigid 1:1 relationship with each other — instead of maintaining an equal but canceling push/pull as they rotate, this force might be better represented as a sine wave between an upper and lower breaking point — the point-fields oscillate in relation to each other such that the bonds between them are never stretched so far that they break, nor shorten so much that they collapse.
Considering that each point-field is encompassed by neighbors, action like this would result in a 3-dimensional spherical movement that would look to us like an extremely fast vibration as the point-field is pushed/pulled and pushes/pulls it’s neighbors on all sides. Viewed from one direction only, we might miss those movements that come toward or move away from our point of view and so the movement would look oddly erratic as well.
Matter and the Matrix
There are three possible means by which matter and the matrix of the Aether coexist and interact.
- Matter is separate from the matrix; the matrix parts when matter moves through it.
- Matter is insulated from the matrix but not separate — the matrix is within and throughout every object, being too small to disturb matter or to be disturbed by it, except perhaps in the most minute of manners.
- Matter is one with the matrix and moves through it like energy through the ocean, transferred from one point-field to the next without disturbing the structure of the matrix.
I do not believe the first option to have any merit — it does not fit within the map of this hypothesis. What kind of reality is it that moves aside for something as insubstantial as matter? Matter exists within reality, not alongside it. This idea though is essentially the widely-accepted view of most people and science today. It is hugely human-centric and comes from a matter-first paradigm.
The third option seems to discard the idea that one energy can be insulated from another, and asserts that all matter is simply a coruscation within the matrix. This, again, does not fit in with the map that I am proposing.
The second option respects the idea that energies can be held separately through insulative layers and yet are still a part of the same energy of existence. Interaction at the edges might also provide a possible explanation for gravity where the insulated edge of matter interacts with the matrix. This, I believe, is the most likely scenario and fits nicely within our map. In the manner of good maps, it also suggests further avenues for exploration.
Key assertions:
- Plasma is one step removed from the fabric of reality
- The matrix of the Zeroth State is infinite
- This matrix is constant and immutable
- This matrix exists within and throughout the entirety of the universe
- This matrix is the substrate throughout which all charge flows, but is unchanged by it
The First State
Assuming, as stated previously, that the Zeroth State is constant and immutable, then at the beginning of time a mechanism must have existed by which excess energy was generated and released into the physical universe as plasma, perhaps creating it at the same time.
From Energy to Matter
Somehow then, the Aether produces and releases plasma which, being unbalanced in charge, will flow across the infinite playground of the universe, being attracted and repelled by other clouds of plasma, or just expanding or contracting as conditions dictate. It is in these areas of contraction where forces are strong enough to fuse these flowing strands of plasma into stars, and it is within the intense electromagnetic fields at a star’s surface that elements are formed. Those atoms then combine to form more or less electrically insulative molecules. Regardless of their insulative or conductive properties, these molecules are still energy. Solids, liquids and gasses are just then alternate forms of energy.
There is, by the way, evidence of this very process that can be observed in the cosmos today. Intergalactic strands of plasma can be seen twisting and snaking between galaxies. Intermittently these strands will form what is called a Z-pinch where the strands collapse together in an intertwined Z shape. It is within these Z-pinches that stars are born. And it is at the surface of stars that we know many of the elements are formed. These strands, first predicted by Kristian Birkeland in 1808, are called Birkeland Currents.
Key Assertions:
- The Aether releases excess energy as plasma into the physical universe
- Plasma is the first state of energy
- Stars are formed within Birkeland Currents
- Matter is formed by intense electromagnetic forces such as those found on the surface of stars
This matrix of vibrating point-fields also offers up potential explanations for gravity through its interaction at the edges with the atoms suspended within. I won’t pretend to understand how that might work — I’ll leave that to the future ranks of cosmo-electromagnetic physicists to discover.
By ‘interaction at the edges’ I am not referring to the edges of the physical object itself; rather I am speaking about the insulative edges of the individual atoms that make up that object.
The “Void” of Space
In the absence of a solid, such as in the “void” of intergalactic space, this matrix is the scaffolding — the essential substrate — within which objects are suspended and through which objects may propel themselves. It is why we are able to move through the “void” of space. It makes sense that this is the result of the ‘interaction at the edges’ — the same electromagnetic interaction that is responsible for gravity.
The Three Faces of Time
Time is defined as “the indefinite continued progress of existence and events in the past, present and future regarded as a whole”. That’s great word salad, but it skirts the real question — what is the mechanism that drives this progress forward? Without knowing this, we are essentially operating blind.
Being immersed in it, as we are, and subject to the vagaries and limitations of our perception from within, it is a difficult task to give time a concise definition.
This ambiguous lens of our individual perception disguises the fact that there are three separate phenomena that we experience as, or confuse with, time.
These are:
- Frequency of point-field oscillation
- Ordered growth
- Our perceptual experience of time flow
1) Frequency of point-field Oscillation
Bluntly, the most objective measure of time is simply the frequency of oscillation of the tiny dipole point-fields in the matrix of the Zeroth State, as described in Part I, The Aether. This is the only aspect of the three that is not colored by human perception or experience. Even if the physical universe ceased to exist, the tick of this oscillation would continue.
Base Unit of Time
The base unit of time, the fastest speed that electromagnetism can travel, is the time that it takes for electricity to travel from one point-field to another.
2) Ordered Growth
This electromagnetic oscillation is not enough to explain the ordered growth of the universe — how does molecule A know to connect to molecule B instead of molecule N? To wit, ordered growth is not possible without an awareness of the present state (which quickly becomes an awareness of past states) and an ability to plan the future.
It is this ability to perceive the difference between past and present, and present and future that has allowed the physical universe to become itself and created the conditions right for life as we think of it.
To be clear, this must mean that the Aether itself is conscious.
Ordered growth however, is NOT time — it is simply the result of consciousness acting on the blank canvas of the Zeroth State over time.
3) Perceptual Experience of Time Flow
In the human experience, time seems to sometimes fly while at other times it seems to drag. While destructive to our ability to understand and clearly define this characteristic of reality, how we experience time has zero effect on the rate of oscillation of those fields in the matrix of the Aether.
No doubt, this perception is important to us and, I think, indicative of our quality of life at those particular moments in time; fast equals good, slow equals bad, or some variation thereof. And yet, fast or slow, the electromagnetic rotation of the point-fields in the matrix of the Aether tick on in their precise rhythm, regardless of our emotions or memories.
Note: Perhaps it is when we are in the zone and are experiencing timelessness that we are closest to the true nature of the universe and are experiencing time as it is meant to be experienced.
Does time objectively exist?
Yes. As described earlier, time is the electromagnetic oscillation of the point-fields within the matrix. These oscillations cannot be reversed. There is no going back in time. These oscillations cannot be sped up or slowed down by forces outside of their own internal logic. There is no going forward to a future that hasn’t ticked in yet. There is, after all, only the NOW.
Yet our consciousness is capable of much, as is the consciousness of the Aether. When we are able to put ourselves into a state of communication with it, it is not surprising that we can be rewarded with glimpses of possible futures. It is not a difficult stretch to believe that a consciousness such as the Aether is able to predict the future. It is, after all, dreaming the future into existence with every tick.
Key Assertions:
- Time is an innate characteristic of the Aether, arising from the self-sustaining movement of the point-fields within
- Consciousness, like electromagnetism and time, is simply another facet of the Aether (This will be discussed further in Part III)
- The fastest that anything in the physical universe can travel is the speed with which electromagnetism can travel from one point-field to the next
- Time travel, both forward and back, is impossible
- Consciousness in not similarly encumbered
As a prerequisite for ordered growth consciousness (see Part II, The Three Faces of Time) has been present since the beginning.
This can be interpreted in a couple different ways. The first is to consider consciousness as a mystical quality given to the Aether by a divine being at the very beginning of its existence. But this introduces a difficulty — for now we have a divine being that we have to account for, and for which there can be no accounting.
The second, and I think the correct, way to think of consciousness is that it is an emergent property of electromagnetism-in-motion. I.E. it is the Aether itself that is conscious, and therein rests the divinity that humans crave.
In the matrix of the Aether the point-fields are in a constant synchronized dance that extends infinitely in all directions through the universe — through this, each field has an awareness of the state of the other fields across the matrix. At least in a general sense, each field would know that each of its neighbors were at a complimentary charge in their oscillation to its own. And thus, would also be aware of the state of the fields one point removed, two points removed, three points, etc.
This is knowledge. This is consciousness.
The flow of electricity across the matrix itself also carries information that would be available to each point-field.
The possible explanations for human consciousness are the same as those above — it is either divine intervention or an emergent property of electromagnetism-in-motion.
Of course, it is electromagnetism-in-motion. The human nervous system is simply a highly specialized medium for moving, controlling and containing electricity, purpose-driven to support our existence under the particular conditions native to this planet — and therefore also severely limited in nature. We are capable of perceiving only a minute percentage of the reality in which we exist. The Zeroth State field has no such limitations.
Inductance as the Mechanism for Extended (Self-Aware) Consciousness
Induction is a property of electromagnetism in which electricity flowing through one circuit will induce a current in an adjacent, but not touching, circuit. This creates emergent knowledge between the two circuits. The parent circuit becomes ‘aware’ of the neighboring circuit by the resultant change in resistance and current flow that it experiences, and the benefiting circuit becomes ‘aware’ of it’s circumstance in relation to the energy flow from the parent.
But, it is more than that, for there is now information being held independently in the spaces between the physical. This can be verified by inserting a neutral third circuit into the mix, also without contact, and seeing that it too will pick up the signal from the other two — each circuit changing the nature of the field within the gap. Eventually, the electrical field in the gaps will be completely unique from that of any of the other physical circuits.
We can all agree that an electrical signal down a single circuit is not very interesting. The shared awareness — this ‘awareness in spaces’ — may not constitute much with ten, one hundred, one thousand, or even ten thousand circuits, but when the numbers reach a million, one hundred million, a billion or more, what does this ‘awareness in spaces’ look like? I’d argue that it is beginning to become recognizable as what is commonly considered consciousness.
The human brain contains eighty-six billion neurons and there are over seven trillion nerve endings in the human body. The sheer amount of electromagnetism-in-motion within these human circuits creates, in my opinion, a consciousness that is, by definition, not bound by the physical and has direct access to the underlying consciousness of the Aether. That feeling of being in touch with divinity which we all experience at times — that’s because we are, at all times, connected to the Source and under the right conditions — when we meditate, or get in the zone, or do the right drugs — we can experience the innominate mystery that is the Aether.
Functionally, the only difference between the simple two circuit example and the human nervous system is in the number of circuits and the complexity of the system.
Basic (Organizing) vs. Extended (Self-Aware) Consciousness
As mentioned in the earlier discussion of Time and Ordered Growth, a basic organizing consciousness is simply an innate characteristic of electromagnetism-in-motion. Extended consciousness, or one that involves some level of self-awareness, grows as the nervous system of the organism increases in complexity.
Key Assertions:
- A basic, organizing consciousness exists in the electric signals flowing through neurons or synapses
- Extended, self-aware consciousness exists in the complex interweaving of electromagnetic fields in the space between these circuits
Given that everything in the universe is conscious, intelligence then is a measure of one’s ability to acquire and apply skills within one’s particular slice of consciousness. The larger and more complex the brain, the further separated the being’s active awareness is from the consciousness of the Aether. This separation is, however, bridgeable, as every organism also has simpler ‘brain’ structures, atoms, cells, nerves, and amygdala or amygdala homologues that are in constant oneness with the consciousness of the universe.
In fact, our ‘intelligence’ acts in many ways as an obstacle to accessing this deeper consciousness and knowledge by keeping us distracted with the concerns of our more complex slice. Simpler organisms, while considered less intelligent from a human-centric point of view (though they may be highly intelligent within their own slice) may be in a more consistent state of rapport with the consciousness of the Aether.
Humans can access this greater consciousness through activities like breathing (pranayama), meditation, yoga, psychedelics and various other methods.
Each consciousness, being the result of electromagnetic fields ‘in the gaps’, has access to the consciousness of the Aether. Each consciousness may also have access to other consciousnesses when within proximity or awareness.
Key Assertions:
- Intelligence is a measure of adaptability within one’s own slice of consciousness
- Intelligence may act as a barrier to oneness with the consciousness of the Aether
- Each consciousness has access to the consciousness of the Aether
- Each consciousness may also interact with others within proximity or awareness
Artificial Intelligence
True artificial intelligence won’t exist until researchers understand that consciousness, and therefore intelligence, exists within the gaps. Until then, they are only mimicking intelligence with software, clever circuits and large databases of information.
I stated earlier that intelligence is simply a measurement of adaptation within a specific slice of consciousness. Therefore the creation of AI cannot then be separated from the creation of artificial consciousness.
Key Assertions:
- The realization of true Artificial Intelligence is dependent upon the creation of Artificial Consciousness.
Artificial Life
Additionally, true AI will require adaptive circuits that can both grow and wither in order to be capable of learning without having the ‘spark of life’. This is essentially artificial life. These adaptive circuits must be immersed in the electromagnetic field of the emergent consciousness and they must be self directing — able to grow, recede, connect, reconnect with other circuits — in order to be creative and be truly capable of original thought. Otherwise the system remains a simple automaton.
Key Assertions:
- With the addition of adaptive circuits to true AI, Artificial Life might be created
Non-Artificial Life
We’ve already established that everything in existence is conscious to a lesser (organizing) or greater (self-aware) degree depending on the complexity of its ‘nervous system’. As well, we have established that an organism’s intelligence is a sliding scale within their own particular slice of consciousness.
Like a fire, we know that the most basic requirements for life are a ‘spark’, fuel in the form of nutrients, and a catalyst (in our case oxygen) with which to transform that fuel into energy.
Using the map that I’ve outlined above, I submit that true life also requires an electromagnetic attachment from within an organism directly back to the Aether.
The ‘spark of life’ might literally be that for living organisms as well — perhaps a release of energy is required in order to establish that initial connection to the Aether.
It has been observed that a flash of light is released when a sperm enters an egg (, 27 April 2016, Bec Crew). The same team of researchers observed a similar phenomena at the point of conception in mice. And of course, we are all familiar with the spark of a lighter that gives life to flame.
Without this connection, an organism cannot truly be alive. If this attachment is severed then the organism dies. It is this connection that is the difference between a person who is at one moment alive and the next dead.
Let’s examine further.
- Spark is necessary to establish connection to Aether
- Fuel (food) is necessary only in that it leads to self-sustained electromagnetic flow
- Catalyst (oxygen) is likewise only necessary in that it leads to self-sustained electromagnetic flow
There are only two absolutely fundamental requirements for life:
- An electromagnetic tether to the Aether
- An self-sustained electromagnetic flow
Life might then be separated then into six categories: dependent, independent, self-contained, artificial, inanimate and dead.
- Dependent life might be characterized by gestating or life-supported organisms that are connected to and receive life-giving fuel (nutrients) and catalyst (oxygen) from another organism or machine.
- Independent life would be those organisms that can sustain internal electromagnetic flow and can gain or create more as needed. This includes born or sprouted organisms, bacteria, viruses, etc.
- Self-contained life are those organisms that are alive, but with a finite amount of internal electromagnetism, and without the means to gain or create more. This type of life would include seeds, spores, sperm and egg, etc.
- Artificial life, when technology allows, will consist of true AI supported by a system of adaptive circuits which will allow it to mimic life.
- Inanimate are those things which in their current incarnation have never had an attachment to the Aether. This includes things like stones, minerals, gases, chemicals, liquids, etc.
- Dead is any organism that no longer has an electromagnetic tether to the Aether. This includes all deceased organisms.
Regardless of an organism’s ability to maintain a suitable electromagnetic flow within itself, once the tether to the Aether is severed, life is gone.
We might consider this cord to simply be one’s ‘address’ in the Aether and the spark that created it a kind of registration. There is no reason to think that this tether differs in quality between organisms.
Key Assertions
- There are only two requirements for life.
- A tether between the organism and the Aether is the first — It is this connection to the Aether that bestows true life upon the organism.
- An ability to maintain its own internal electromagnetic flow is the second
- All tethers, regardless of organism, are fundamentally the same
Mathematics is a useful tool with which to explore reality, but because it allows for computations in the imaginary such as imaginary numbers and Non-Euclidean Geometry, it should be closely monitored lest we pollute our understanding of reality with that which should remain purely within the realms of imagination.
When imaginary math is combined with maps not grounded in reality, sci-fi worthy concepts like black-holes, time travel and universe-sized electrons are the result.
Note: If one has to create extra dimensions out of thin air in order to make an hypothesis function — unfortunately for much of currently accepted mainstream cosmology — there is something wildly inaccurate about the map being used.
A bad map, if not corrected when the route starts to become implausible, will lead one quite astray.
Dark matter and dark energy are prime examples of this phenomena — neither are the result of careful consideration about the nature of the universe or reality — rather, they are the mathematical reactions of narrowly focused physicists and mathematicians blind to the limitations, inconsistencies and outright failings of the current model/map.
They are defacto Deus ex Machina, Ghost in the Machine, or Hand of God explanations for scientists — literally anything that cannot be adequately be explained under the current model such as missing or unexpected energy, velocity or mass can be conveniently ascribed to either of the two and, of an instant, those failings disappear and are then considered appropriately accounted for. They are the rugs under which inconvenient flaws are swept.
These ‘hypotheses’ are the direct result of, and the gaffer tape on, an old, torn and disintegrating map.
What’s worse is that because the scientific community has not thrown out the old map, younger generations of scientists will be misled into futilely looking for next ‘Boson-Higgs’ — another particle that is somehow miraculously the size of the entire universe — that will finally — finally! — solve all of the glaring holes in their current model.
The role of mathematics in physics and cosmology should be confined to modeling observed data and making predictions. Those predictions should then be verified by observation or experimentation before being accepted as fact. If that is not possible, then the imaginary should be purged from the calculations before being considered as possible hypotheses.
As with any science, when new information comes to light that is in conflict with the current theories, the map should be re-examined and modified to account for the new data. In some cases, this might mean completely re-drawing the map.
Science, by definition, demands the map be redrawn to its most accurate state whenever disqualifying new knowledge is gained. Anything less is not science, and those who fight those updates are not scientists — rather, they have crossed the line from scientists into cultists.
The definition of matter, in the context of physics, is essentially meaningless. Electrons, the veritable poster child for energy, have both volume and mass and are therefore considered to be ‘matter’. And to make things even more absurd, according to current calculations under the space-time framework, the volume of a single electron is the size of the entire universe.
Such semantic acrobatics makes the label of ‘matter’ a meaningless distinction.
The problem arises from the fact that we are using the wrong map. If instead of ‘states of matter’ we viewed reality through the lens of ‘states of energy’, categorization becomes much more intuitive simply because it is in alignment with reality.
It seems clear the reasonable point of departure from energy to matter is the energetic layer that somehow insulates an atom from the energy of the Aether. This action is probably a function of the self-contained attachment between the point-fields within.
By this new definition the hydrogen atom is, without ambiguity, the smallest bit of matter extant.
Key Assertion:
- Matter is any object with insulative properties (self-contained energy), and both mass and volume.
Electromagnetism in the Matrix
The ideas presented in this section, “Electromagnetism in the Matrix”, were originally intended to be included in Part I, The Aether. But because they are pure speculation regarding the movement of electricity at the size of a point-field — which I assume to be orders-of-magnitude smaller than an electron — I separated them out. These ideas may be tested in some manner at a larger scale, but we do not yet have the means to measure this type of movement at such a level of precision.
In a matrix of point-fields more akin to bubbles than billiard balls, it seems to me that electricity would flow along the edges where two bubbles meet to the vertex where three or more bubbles intersect.
Even the analogy of bubbles is unfortunately misleading — point-fields have no membrane to indicate an edge — they are simply coherent fields of energy balanced by their neighbors. The current flowing at the edges and vertices might be only a fraction of the charge of the point-field itself.
This space at the intersection of bubbles is likely fractal in nature. It may be in these spaces that electricity is released into the physical universe or fed back into the matrix in a self-sustaining cycle.
Is there any field in science that currently studies the electromagnetic physics of bubbles? There should be.
The vertex at the intersection of point-field bubbles is an interesting space.
The electromagnetic bubbles that preserve one point-field from another are not perfect spheres. Being abutted on all sides by other point-fields, the shape of the fields will be impacted by the surrounding point-fields and will find a shape that most efficiently works with its neighbors. Together, these shapes fill, or tessellate, the entirety of the matrix.
This shape is likely to be a ‘buckeyball’ of some, perhaps mutable, configuration. Balanced against other forces, it will tend as much as possible towards a minimum number of neighbors and interactions, though this inclination is likely superseded by the need to keep the electromagnetic flow at the vertices free from turbulence.
I would expect, in a 3-dimensional matrix, that this space at the intersections probably looks much like a vortex in some manner or form, possibly fractally. How this vortex is handled by the Aether and to what purpose is open for interpretation.
If, somehow, the intersection between three or more more bubbles leaves a gap, this gap, like the space between integers, can never be fully filled. If we try to fill this space with smaller bubbles it is simply a smaller gap that is produced. Regardless of how small the gaps created or the number of iterations and attempts, the result is always simply a smaller gap. This is the nature of fractals.
It may be in these spaces that excess electricity is released into the universe, or fed back into the matrix to be re-utilized.
In a gap between three oscillating electromagnetic fields, one might hypothetically find a fluctuating electromagnetic ‘turbulence’ that erratically snaps between a positive and a negative charge, depending upon the states of the three neighbors.
The most efficient way to fill a void in the 3D space is with a vortex. The same would be true in the gaps of the matrix where three or more bubbles intersect. If they exist, the vortexes within the gaps must somehow play a role in maintaining the stability of the matrix and may also be the function by which excess energy is released into the physical universe as plasma.
A vortex, by its very nature, would stabilize any possible electromagnetic ‘turbulence’ that might otherwise occur in the gaps.
Infinity (aka Space)
Does the matrix continue in all directions ad-infinitum? The possibility boggles the mind. It is a nearly impossible concept when considered outside the imaginary precepts of mathematics.
The other possibility is nearly as mind boggling and perhaps more troubling, for if the matrix is not infinite, then it must come to an end somewhere, and if it comes to an end somewhere then there must be something on the other side of that edge. The question then becomes what is this other thing and what are its characteristics? Does it only border on one side, or does it fully envelope our universe? If it fully envelopes our universe… etc, etc. The questions multiply with every question asked.
Finite or infinite, this is an existential question which will remain unanswered until our species is technologically advanced enough to see to the ‘edge’ of our universe if there is one, and that ‘other thing’ is found. Regardless, neither have much practical impact on the nature of the matrix or our experience of reality within it.
Free Will
This hypothesis explicitly excludes a third-party divine being acting willfully upon reality, and this prohibition extends to the Aether itself. While boasting of the greatest consciousness possible, it is not an active actor in the way of a deity. It does not dictate the specific terms of our existence — rather, it provides the space, time and opportunity for us to create our own destiny.
Nor are we in such a straitjacket in term of operating within our environment that we are without choice in our ‘fate’. Within the strictures of our environment, our consensus reality and the capabilities of our physical organism we have the freedom to exercise our will as we wish.
An indication of this freedom lies in our ability to change our environment — we have the ability to pick up and move from one culture to another. This might be as significant as relocation to a different county or as small as changing jobs. It may even be as simple as adopting a new outlook on life and seeing one’s current situation through new eyes, thereby changing the way one reacts to the events of life.
While we may not be able to single-handedly change consensus reality, changing our own situation within the whole does prove a degree of free will.
Consensus reality — the reality we were born into — is the reality that was created and agreed upon by the collective consciousness of all of our predecessors. It is the reality that we learned and adopted as children, thereby strengthening and continuing this reality. It includes all human cultures, traditions, systems, inventions, methods, organizations and institutions. Anything that humans have created, from the material to the philosophical or religious, all are a part of our consensus reality.
As individuals it is very difficult to effect change on the consensus reality — the inertia of which is massive and is cemented too strongly within the human psyche. In this regard the individual might be considered nearly impotent.
But the power that we do have is prodigious — this is the power to change ourselves. By changing ourselves, we will necessarily change the way those around us react to us. In some cases this will cause discomfort or anger and those people will fall away from you. In other cases, you become a model that others will attempt to emulate, making similar changes in themselves and thereby influencing those around them.
If we are able to learn the right lessons ourselves, make the right changes and teach those lessons to others, the spread might be exponential. Therein lies our individual power — and it is tremendous.
The process to achieve manifestation follows intuitively, if not logically, from the cosmology I’ve described to this point.
As a reminder, the Aether is conscious and is within and throughout everything in existence. It is the potential from which everything else arises. Our thoughts, emotions and intentions, conscious or unconscious, are directly responsible for the reality that we experience, both collectively and individually. In short, given the right state of consciousness, we can communicate directly with the Aether.
Consensus Reality
We were born into a reality created by those who went before. All human constructs including languages, cultures, governments, borders, etc. are the result of our consensus reality. From the dawn of time, the Aether has created this reality for us as determined by the thoughts, emotions, intentions, strengths and frailties of our ancestors. As we grew up and were taught the various rules, social and otherwise, we became a part of the support structure for this reality. We make it stronger by our own belief and acceptance of norms.
Consensus reality is very difficult to change — its inertia is enormous due to the huge edifice of belief already there — but it can be changed. Gandhi changed reality when he showed that peaceful resistance can defeat empire. This idea spread inexorably across the world, more an evolution in thought than revolution, but has successfully spawned numerous other peaceful movements. Reality became different than it was before.
Very few of us are Gandhis of course but we don’t need to be. We just need to know that change is possible. Ideas spread like viruses. The more virulent, the faster the change, but Gandhi showed that real change can happen without revolution.
Regardless of consensus reality, every single one of us is able to change our own individual reality and by making our own changes, we can effect positive change on those around us. This is the kernel, the seed, for world-wide change. The effect is cascading.
Manifestation is achieved most easily through a practice of gratitude. It is both that simple and yet at the same time more mysteriouscomplex than you might think — for within lurks a secret.
Gratitude is already recognized in various schools of thought and religions as a beneficial practice, though not necessarily as a vehicle for manifestation. In most, it is used as a tool for worship, or simply as a ceremonial or ritual duty. It seems that somewhere along the line, someone recognized its inherent power though very few practices scratch the surface of the potential contained within.
The practice of ‘Giving Thanks’ is not the same. It simply doesn’t go deep enough. A practice of gratitude should be a meditation in which the practitioner spends unhurried time, rather than a rote ceremonial accoutrement quickly given while one’s mind is on the events of the day, the past or the future.
Nor is a gratitude practice the same as prayer. A true gratitude practice will be devoid of supplication and self-interest. It is a different thing entirely. One does not ask anything for themselves or anyone else. In a gratitude practice there is no energy of petitioning to a higher power.
In fact, a gratitude practice is and must be selfless in nature. Else it will not achieve the right energy for communication with the Aether.
But how will the Aether know what I want if I don’t specifically ask for it?
The Aether does not care what you want — but it knows what it wants, and what it wants is ‘flow’ for itself, and therefore for us — each of us being simply a single smaller facet of the greater whole.
But isn’t manifestation about ‘making my dreams come true’?
Yes, it is and we’ll get to that specific process shortly, but I think it’s important to lay the groundwork first as it is this foundation that is essential to both the well-being of the manifest-er and their success in manifestation. Gratitude is the catalyst that eases the realization of individual dreams.
Let’s go through the process first and then unveil the hidden mechanism inside that is the true secret of manifestation.
The Practice
First, find yourself in a relaxed and meditative state, whether purposefully or just as an accident of the day. Spend this time considering the people, animals, things, events, challenges and circumstances — let’s call them artifacts — that have created and populated your reality, both good and bad. Dropping any emotional attachment to outcomes, ego and pride associated with these artifacts, purposefully and unconditionally express gratitude to them. Find that bit of good within or resulting from each and express pure, untainted thanks to them.
This may be difficult at first, especially with strained relationships or traumatic events. But this process becomes easier with time and the emotional charge around these artifacts will soon start to fall off. With each day you’ll find it just a bit easier to direct positive energy towards those difficult energies.
Make this a daily practice — spend as long as possible directing pure and unconditional gratitude towards these artifacts, and make this daily practice into a lifelong habit. The longer the span of time you spend in this practice, the more effective it will be and the more easily your life will flow.
The Hidden Gem
As you become adept at this practice, you’ll find that it is accompanied by an energy of serenity, contentment and bliss. These feelings can be indistinguishable from the energy of love — and this is the secret, the hidden gem — the holy grail, if you will — held within gratitude. A pure practice of gratitude is the path to love, and love is the language that the Aether speaks. This is the energy, if we can achieve it, that will receive a response.
This is the love often given lip-service but which is mostly misunderstood by the masses who preach it. There are other paths to be sure, whether it be a different daily spiritual practice, a new relationship, sex, drugs, music, exercise, intense focus or something thing else, but these moments can be fleeting, inconsistent, unsustainable, and/or difficult to repeat. Gratitude is a simple technology and easy to implement.
Using gratitude to achieve this energy of love — the energy required to capture the attention of the Aether — is simplicity itself. Anyone can do it. It’s easily replicatable. It is a simple technology with no mysticism, ceremony or tools involved. No esoteric knowledge required.
What if bad people start a gratitude practice? Won’t this make it easier for them to be bad?
I think this is a really interesting question, because it is my belief that a gratitude practice will by its very nature improve the practitioner as a person. How can it not? They are immersing themselves in the energy of the love (if they are able to achieve it) which will inevitably bring about some understanding of our oneness, interdependence and indebtedness with and to one another. Eventually, if they keep it up long enough, they will become the person they were meant to be.
Intent and Action
It is possible and completely acceptable to practice gratitude in isolation to achieve a happier, flow-filled life. Alone it is an extremely powerful, albeit passive, method of manifestation. It is, however, only one corner of a larger triangle.
The active side consists of an inter-related duo, each being ineffective without the other: intent and action. In order to manifest material benefits into one’s life, one must set an intent and take action to achieve it. They are a set of twins, two sides of a coin. Neither in isolation will be effective.
For Intent, it is the intensity and duration of the focus that is of paramount importance. The more intense the intention and the longer one is able to maintain it, the more likely one is to be successful. You want a new car? Day and night and in-between, you must obsess over that new car.
Use your imagination and incorporate all of your senses as you envision how it feels to have your hands on the wheel as you are zooming down the road, as you breathe in the new car smell, and listen to the hum of the engine, and as you experience the gravity during an acceleration around the curves. Immerse yourself completely into the experience.
In addition to this visceral experience, you must also consider the avenues open to you for obtaining this car. Explore those options as a thought experiment. What is required for each of the various pathways open to you? Is it a new job, cutting expenses, or something else? In your mind, take those steps and see what obstacles or opportunities present themselves. How do you solve or take advantage of those? Continue this process as you overcome or bypass each challenge.
Make these two ‘visualizations’ a daily and all-day practice. Whenever you have a free moment, retrace your thought-experiment and experience the immersive sensations of the automobile.
This is the essence of setting and holding an intention.
Intent alone however is not sufficient to move the Aether. Just thinking about whatever you want will unfortunately not do anything. As I stated earlier, it is only one side of a two-sided coin. One must also take action towards your goals, whatever that may entail — whether it is quitting a dead-end job and going back to school, or moving across the country, or finding a new group of friends to socialize with — the first step has to be taken.
The thought experiment discussed above will be helpful in determining exactly what actions you want to take. Once you have determined a path of least resistance, you must take action. It is always better when taking action to be measured and considered in your approach based on a well thought out strategy, but sometimes it is enough that you do something, anything to get started. Once that ball is rolling and you have no choice, you will be impelled to continue moving along that same course.
The Aether may hear your intention, but it listens to action. Once you have taken that first step, having set a strong and durable intention, the Aether will take notice and you’ll find that obstacles will begin to fall.
Unconditional gratitude opens up the lines of communication to the Aether, intent gains its attention and action compels a response.
But there are plenty of people out there who are driving expensive cars and living luxurious lifestyles — and they are bad people — they are hurting others and destroying the environment. Clearly they are not experiencing the love of the universe. Why do they get everything good?
It is possible to achieve material success solely through the exercise of intent and action, but it is a shallow success and without the deep connection to the Aether afforded by a gratitude practice or something similar, it is ultimately devoid of satisfaction. These people might be high achievers, but they are lost and deeply, exceedingly unhappy and dissatisfied with life. The only way they know to find happiness, if just for a fleeting moment, is to acquire more — more material goods, status, power or money. Their path is arduous, beset by obstacles and ultimately unsatisfying, leading them on a fruitless pursuit of something, anything that will provide more than fleeting happiness.
The example above might be classed as -gratitude, +intent, +action. Similar observations about circumstance might be made for people who fit the other permutations of the three corners of this triangle. For example +gratitude, +intent, -action might describe a stereotypical flower child. I’ll leave those classifications as an exercise for the reader. Where do you fit?
Manifestation In Summary
By starting and maintaining a gratitude practice of thirty minutes a day — I do mine throughout the day and particularly as I’m in bed and ready to fall asleep — we can change our own energy, be more consistently in the flow of the universe and see the energy of the world itself change around us. We can achieve all of our goals while feeling fulfilled and happy. Rather than dominate and subjugate others, we can be generous and we can support and elevate others because we know there is an unlimited amount of ‘flow’ in the Aether — more than enough for everyone on this planet and all others.
What then is meant by this nebulous term, energy? This new-aged term and references to it are used in every possible context in casual conversation by everyone nowadays — it’s not just for flower children anymore.
It’s gained in popularity because it is apropos to so many situations, good and bad. Good energy, bad energy, flow, vibe, zone, electric, magnetic, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera. The list goes on.
In all of its contexts, energy essentially refers to the information that we as humans can glean from the Aether through each of our various senses. Energy is what we sense with our proverbial ‘sixth sense’.
Energy is what we feel coursing through our bodies when we are enraptured by love, joy or bliss, or beset by fear, anger, anxiety, etc. Energy is what we sense when we walk into a room and are struck forcefully by the mood therein — whether everyone is angry or happy or sad or fearful.
Energy is the combined package of electromagnetism, light, time, consciousness, et cetera — all of the information contained in each of these minute point-fields that permeate the Aether.
Energy is what we experience when we communicate with the consciousness of reality.
Here ends my Ruminations on Reality