Ruminations on Reality: Infinity (aka Space)
The Aether, Time, Consciousness, Intelligence, Matter and Energy
Part IX of a multi-part discussion
The ideas in this article are dependent upon concepts which were introduced in Part I, The Aether; Part II, The Three Faces of Time; Part III, Consciousness; Part IV, Intelligence; Part V, Life; Part VI, Mathematics; Part VII, Matter and Part VIII, Electromagnetism in the Matrix.
Does the matrix continue in all directions ad-infinitum? The possibility boggles the mind. It is a nearly impossible concept when considered outside the imaginary precepts of mathematics.
The other possibility is nearly as mind boggling and perhaps more troubling, for if the matrix is not infinite, then it must come to an end somewhere, and if it comes to an end somewhere then there must be something on the other side of that edge. The question then becomes what is this other thing and what are its characteristics? Does it only border on one side, or does it fully envelope our universe? If it fully envelopes our universe… etc, etc. The questions multiply with every question asked.
Finite or infinite, this is an existential question which will remain unanswered until our species is technologically advanced enough to see to the ‘edge’ of our universe if there is one, and that ‘other thing’ is found. Regardless, neither have much practical impact on the nature of the matrix or our experience of reality within it.
Here ends Part IX of my Ruminations. Part X, Free Will, can be found here.