Ruminations on Reality: Electromagnetism in the Matrix

The Aether, Time, Consciousness, Intelligence, Matter and Energy

Daniel D. Barber
3 min readMar 3, 2023

Part VIII of a multi-part discussion

The ideas in this article are dependent upon concepts which were introduced in Part I, The Aether; Part II, The Three Faces of Time; Part III, Consciousness; Part IV, Intelligence; Part V, Life; Part VI, Mathematics and Part VII, Matter.

Electromagnetism in the Matrix of the Aether
Electromagnetism in the Matrix of the Aether

Electromagnetism in the Matrix

The ideas presented in this section, “Electromagnetism in the Matrix”, were originally intended to be included in Part I, The Aether. But because they are pure speculation regarding the movement of electricity at the size of a point-field—which I assume to be orders-of-magnitude smaller than an electron — I separated them out. These ideas may be tested in some manner at a larger scale, but we do not yet have the means to measure this type of movement at such a level of precision.

In a matrix of point-fields more akin to bubbles than billiard balls, it seems to me that electricity would flow along the edges where two bubbles meet to the vertex where three or more bubbles intersect.

Even the analogy of bubbles is unfortunately misleading — point-fields have no membrane to indicate an edge — they are simply coherent fields of energy balanced by their neighbors. The current flowing at the edges and vertices might be only a fraction of the charge of the point-field itself.

This space at the intersection of bubbles is likely fractal in nature. It may be in these spaces that electricity is released into the physical universe or fed back into the matrix in a self-sustaining cycle.

Is there any field in science that currently studies the electromagnetic physics of bubbles? There should be.


The vertex at the intersection of point-field bubbles is an interesting space.

The electromagnetic bubbles that preserve one point-field from another are not perfect spheres. Being abutted on all sides by other point-fields, the shape of the fields will be impacted by the surrounding point-fields and will find a shape that most efficiently works with its neighbors. Together, these shapes fill, or tessellate, the entirety of the matrix.

This shape is likely to be a ‘buckeyball’ of some, perhaps mutable, configuration. Balanced against other forces, it will tend as much as possible towards a minimum number of neighbors and interactions, though this inclination is likely superseded by the need to keep the electromagnetic flow at the vertices free from turbulence.

I would expect, in a 3-dimensional matrix, that this space at the intersections probably looks much like a vortex in some manner or form, possibly fractally. How this vortex is handled by the Aether and to what purpose is open for interpretation.


If, somehow, the intersection between three or more more bubbles leaves a gap, this gap, like the space between integers, can never be fully filled. If we try to fill this space with smaller bubbles it is simply a smaller gap that is produced. Regardless of how small the gaps created or the number of iterations and attempts, the result is always simply a smaller gap. This is the nature of fractals.

It may be in these spaces that excess electricity is released into the universe, or fed back into the matrix to be re-utilized.

In a gap between three oscillating electromagnetic fields, one might hypothetically find a fluctuating electromagnetic ‘turbulence’ that erratically snaps between a positive and a negative charge, depending upon the states of the three neighbors.


The most efficient way to fill a void in the 3D space is with a vortex. The same would be true in the gaps of the matrix where three or more bubbles intersect. If they exist, the vortexes within the gaps must somehow play a role in maintaining the stability of the matrix and may also be the function by which excess energy is released into the physical universe as plasma.

A vortex, by its very nature, would stabilize any possible electromagnetic ‘turbulence’ that might otherwise occur in the gaps.

Here ends Part VIII of my Ruminations. Part IX, Infinity (aka Space), can be found here.



Daniel D. Barber
Daniel D. Barber

Written by Daniel D. Barber

Artist, Author, Educator, Re-thinker, Counselor, Speaker

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